Industrial Safety Helmet

The purpose of head protection in any employer’s PPE program is to help control the uncontrollable – which is to mitigate and/or eliminate hazards and exposure to injury while on the job. But sometimes despite best efforts, injuries can occur – bringing with it long-term damage and even death.

If you’ve got brain, wear a #helmet. 

Employers must ensure their workers wear head protection if they are at risk of these common hazards:

  1. Being struck by falling objects
  2. Bumping their heads on fixed objects
  3. Coming into contact with electrical hazards

However, according to a survey about worksite accidents and injuries conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 84% of all workers who suffered head injuries were not wearing head protection.

We don’t want you to fall into these numbers. The best way to equip yourself or your workers for the hazards on the job is to evaluate your work environment and find the PPE that is mandated or needed.

Our company have these full range of Helmets in our stock.

We have a registered company in #Dubai, #UAE, #Karachi, #Pakistan and #Cairo, #Egypt to supply all your #PPE needs. Our functional PPE ecommerce website to help to an end user to buy the their PPE and for Business 2 Business consumer can contact us via email.